Rufous Nightjar
The Rufous Nightjar (Antrostomus rufus) lives from Costa Rica to N Argentina and S Brazil.
28cm (11”), 95g. ♂: Above brown to dull rufous, vermiculated with black; Crown, nape and back streaked black; scapulars and wing-coverts spotted with black, edged with buff; remiges barred rufous and black; tertials buff, heavily marbled with black; tail dull rufous marbled and lightly barred with black; face and neck barred and mottled with rufous and black. Buffy bar across lower breast and belly mottled and vermiculated rufous and black; belly and crissum ochraceous, barred with black; distal half of 3 outer rectrices white, edged with rusty. Bill black, feet gray. ♀: Paler, less rufescent overall, no white in tail. Young: Crown white spotted with black; scapulars whitish mottled with dusky; below dusky barring more extensive.